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Find, 2007
Rubber, glue, sand and print on sheer fabric
Dimensions variable

Find takes two point-of-views or two horizons. The installation occupies 3D and 2D space. A crochet of hundreds of rubber words glued together covers the island of sand. The words come from the signature of the letters the traveler writes to the anonymous lover in the traveler's journal: "Yours forever / your sunset/sunrise forever yours / yours forever yours." The signature alludes to the blurred identity between land, time and self.

The island spills onto an image, like a window we search the horizon into the the floor. The 'heavy' number of teaspoons of water on Earth (250, 368, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000) balances on the thin line "your hand in mine". The love letter appears in the scene Find in Object of Desire.